What Not to Do if Your Car Breaks Down

car breakdown


We can all understand the frustration that comes with being stuck on the side of the road due to car trouble. It can happen to anyone. You may think the best thing to do is to get out of your car and try to identify the issue and attempt to fix it. The truth is: that often makes the problem worse and you end up putting yourself in danger. As the largest and oldest towing company in the CSRA, we’ve experienced it all. With our knowledge on roadside assistance, we’ve put together some helpful tips for anyone that experiences a car breakdown.


Don’t Ignore a Small Problem

Overlooking any issue with your car, whether it’s big or small, can lead to major problems down the road. Vehicle problems don't get better on their own. To keep your car running well, it needs to be regularly serviced and given the attention it needs to keep it running properly. If you notice something out of the ordinary with your car or if the check engine light turns on, this is not something to put off or ignore. Schedule an inspection to make sure that the problem does not get worse. In most cases, waiting will result in spending more money to fix the issue later on.


Don’t Make Sudden Stops

When dealing with car problems, it can make you feel a bit anxious. One of the worst things you can do when driving is to suddenly stop in the middle of the road. This can be very dangerous for you as well as other drivers. It can result in other cars crashing into you or other vehicles and makes it much more difficult for emergency vehicles to get to you. If your car stops on its own, there may be no other option, but if you notice anything that seems off, like an odd sound or smell, shaking, or smoke, slowly pull off to the side of traffic and park somewhere safe.


Don’t Let Your Emotions Take Control

It's normal to feel frustrated and emotional when experiencing car trouble, but it's not a good idea to try problem solving in this emotional state. Throwing tools or kicking the wheels will not solve anything. Try to stay calm and call Chancey’s Wrecker Service for help. By getting help from a professional, you and your car will have the safest outcome.


Don't Attempt Roadside Repairs Yourself

Although we’ve already mentioned this, it needs its own section because of how crucial it is. Without a full understanding of how mechanics work, if you try to repair it yourself, you could end up making the problem worse or even create a new issue. Instead, give us a call at (706) 796-1642.


Call the Professionals at Chancey’s Towing

We can get your car off the side of the road safely and at a reasonable cost. Our towing company is staffed with experienced experts who will take care of your safety and needs first, whatever the situation. You can always count on us to be there for you.