Preparing for Road Trips: The Essentials

Preparing for Road Trips: The Essentials

Going on a road trip is an exciting adventure. It gives you the chance to get out and see different parts of the world. Whether you’re road tripping to a specific destination, or just getting out to get away, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. While some preparations seem obvious like having water, snacks, appropriate attire for the season, etc. Other preparations sometimes get overlooked. The preparations that should be done to the vehicle you’re taking on the road trip are often not thought of. We here at Chancey’s want to tell you what your car needs for this to be the best road trip possible!

  1. Before leaving- Preparing your vehicle before the trip is probably the most important part. You should check all of your fluid levels: This includes your fuel, windshield wiper fluid, oil, coolant, power steering fluid, and brake fluid. Along with checking all fluid levels you should see if there are any parts of the vehicle that need changed/fixed: This can include a variety of things. See what condition your oil filter, air filter, spark plugs windshield wipers, headlights, taillights, and blinkers are in. If any seem like they need to be changed then it is best to do that before taking off on your trip. Take a look at your tires: If they have low pressure you should fill them to the appropriate level, if there are any holes and cuts in the tires then they should be changed. You should also take a look at the tread on your tires to make sure they can handle the trip you’re going on. The last thing you would want is to have a tire blow. Depending on what time of year you’re taking your trip you should check the AC unit and/or heating unit. Give your vehicle a good wash before taking off. This way the windshields and windows will be clean and clear to look out of while driving!
  2. Packing Essentials- Now that we know what to do with our vehicle before taking off, it's time to dive into what we should have packed for our trip. Double check that you have a spare tire, tire iron and a jack in the trunk. If something were to happen to one of your tires while on the road you’ll be able to fix it and get back to driving. If you don’t have a spare key, get one made. Keep your spare key on your being at all times this way if you were to accidentally lock the keys in the vehicle you have your spare handy! If you’re going on a long trip it would be beneficial to have a plastic funnel. This way if any of your fluid levels start getting low you can add more. Having your owners manual readily available is always a good idea too. This way you can assess a problem if one was to occur. If you don’t have a survival kit already, you should make one and keep it in your vehicle at all times, not just for a road trip. This kit can include things like bandages, rubbing alcohol and emergency water, but it can also include things like a screwdriver, towing rope, a hammer, and pliers. Being prepared for anything while on the road is always best. You never know what can happen while out, so keeping these items in your vehicle at all times can’t hurt.
  3. During the Trip- Once you’re on your trip there are a few things you can do to help make it a successful trip. Keep an eye on your fuel level. Once your gas tank is at half of a tank you should fill the vehicle back up. This will keep you from running your fuel too low. Listen to your body while on the road. If you are feeling tired then you should pull over and take a little rest. If it is getting late into the night it might be a good idea to pull into a motel and get some sleep. Then you can get up and get right back at it in the morning. Know your limits. If you don’t do well being in the car for too long then you should take multiple breaks to get out and stretch. Maybe grab a bite to eat before getting back in the vehicle and going again. Avoid boredom. Road trips, while exciting, can also be dull at times. There are often long spurts of road that don’t have much to look at. To avoid boredom you can have a road trip playlist, listen to some of your favorite podcasts or even play a game. All of these are great ways to make the more boring parts of the trip go by quicker! Watch your weather. If the weather is making for less ideal driving conditions, it might be a good idea to seek refuge until the roads are better. Trust your instincts and pay attention to the driving conditions due to weather.
  4. After your Trip- Once you have completed your road trip you should give your vehicle a quick look over. Make sure all of your fluids are at an appropriate level. You might want to get your oil changed depending on how long the trip was. Check your tires again for any wear and tear they might have received from being on the road. Depending on how the weather and bug conditions were during your trip you might want to give it another wash. Get off any extra dirt and grime that may have accumulated during your trip.

Prepare for a road trip by treating your vehicle well. If you take care of your vehicle, your vehicle will take care of you! Keeping regular maintenance on it will not only give your vehicle a longer life, but when the time comes that you want to take off on a trip your vehicle won’t need as much done to it. We here at Chancey’s want everyone to have the knowledge on how to prepare your vehicle for a long trip. Stay safe and have fun!